I wanted a life, and I knew I deserved one

All I ask is that as you read this, you do so with the compassion and awareness that I had to grasp as I experienced these events. What I am about to say has never left my brain, has never been admitted, or spoken out loud, until now.

What I’m about to share are the types of things we keep to ourselves. They are our highly personal feelings of shame, and the stories we want to bury forever.

When I was in the beginnings of my healing journey my body physiology was so fucked up that I lost control of my bowels and my bladder. I was so devastatingly stressed out that for a long period of time – like a year or two or three – I needed adult diapers. I had nothing medically wrong with me, it was literally the level of stress I was holding.

At first I wasn’t prepared, and I had to be on alert – scanning the streets and sidewalk for other people, so they wouldn’t see when I peed or messed my pants. I layered, so I could tie a shirt or sweater around my waist. My poor dog, so many walks were cut short.   

I always – I’m talking every hour, every day, for a few years – felt like I had to go. But I couldn’t recognize when it would come. I would try to go before I left the house, even if it was just to walk my dog around the block. But it didn’t matter, we’d be just far enough that I couldn’t jaunt back, just far enough that he was ready and going. Just far enough that even if I turned around right there and then, home was too far away for me to make it. I was just as vulnerable and exposed out on the street as he was. My shame was heavy.

My whole body was upset all the time – like for the full 24 hours, day after day after day. My stomach was always knotted, my lungs always pumping, and my heart always pounding. I was constantly trying to calm myself down – with breathing, counting, stilling myself, and endless compassionate self-nurturing conversations.

I hated leaving the house.

Even though I was at that point safe, I was still suffering from the trauma, and I had a very difficult time letting go. I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD.

It all came about as a result of what I had lived through. I was forced back home, to live with my parents; I was in my early forties. The pressure I put on myself around that, and the inabilities to take care of myself in every way, only added to my stress, and I created a whole new paradigm of toxic cause and affect.

I just couldn’t hold myself together.

All of the things required to make a healthy human were missing for me – sleep, routine, menstrual cycles, people, something to look forward to – all missing.

I was a mess. And added to everything, I lived with pain from breaking my back.

My cognitivity was so suppressed, productivity was absent, and any kind of motivation felt like I was hanging from an insanely high cliff. My fingertips were scraping the edge, and I was slipping, slowly.

That edge made for a dangerously distorted sense of reality, and I was unable to be a nice person. I slapped my mother across her face. I screamed into the face of my 7 year old niece to fuck off. I was perpetually on a rant with everyone, and I honestly did not think it was possible to overcome any of this.

Every time I had to throw away my underwear, and take another shower, I cried. Every conversation that I pleaded, screamed, and demanded – they each made me cry. No matter how hard I apologized, I couldn’t take it back. I couldn’t erase what I had done. Together we have these memories to live with, I cannot lie. I cried because I recognized I was a horrible person. I isolated myself because I was a monster.

I hated this version of me. 

The hate I felt for myself was strong enough to want change. I didn’t want to always have to cry. I wanted to know if I was stuck to live with such a fucked up and broken body. I truly wanted healthy relationships in my life. I wanted a life. And I knew I deserved one – I knew I had done nothing wrong.

It took me years to get what I wanted, but I did it. As the swell of desire rose in me, the more shift I felt. There were so many ways I tested and tried to find me, and I eventually stopped the need to cry. I had to learn how to be me, the me I wanted to be. I am forever grateful for the strength I had, I honestly couldn’t tell you how I found it some days.  

When I tell people I used to live from a place of anger it’s hard for them to believe.

I know now that some of that anger was learned, and transferred behavior – I was reflecting back how I was treated, and showing myself what I didn’t like. I didn’t want to be doing to others what was done to me. The rest of the anger was what I was holding inside, I was no longer willing to suffer in silence – it was my cry for help.

I was able to get through so many events, so many days, that were absolutely devastating and disgraceful, because I had compassion. Without compassion in each of my situations, I wouldn’t have made it. Thankfully I had enough to want more.

That me that I used to be, she’s gone. I did the work to move past all of that anger with the help of many.

What more do you want?

We’re each on our journeys, and we can all do it.

Lisa Karasek, author in The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Techniques; 25 Home Practices & Tools for Peak Holistic Health & Wellness. An expert Quantum Healer, TRE® Certified Facilitator and Certified Eating Psychology Coach, who is able to update her client’s states of being to assist in healing. Using ancient, multi-dimensional healing and Holistic Metamorphosis® (an angelic energy healing modality), consciousness-based practices, and TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises), Lisa powerfully guides her clients to a healthier, happier, more purposeful life. Lisa is dedicated and passionate about helping you work with the dynamics of your self relationship and believes this is the key to most Mind Body Spirit disease and illness. Find more information about her and her programs.

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

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TRE® is mentioned in this months O magazine, and though only one community is mentioned, I want you to understand that TRE® isn’t exclusive to victims, its for everyone (when you come to my classes you will hear me talk about why you too need TRE® in your life. Or you can call me and I’ll tell you why). But this prominent mention is a great start, and the TRE® community is very, very grateful for bringing TRE® into the Light.

I have my own reasons for why I chose to become trained in teaching, educate about, and obtain the proper credentials to become a TRE® Certified Facilitator. Releasing the charged energies that are stored in our spinal column and central nervous system, and in our fascia (connective tissue) – is an important process for Whole Health and Wellness. I hear from many that my passion for this modality really shines through.

Here are a few reasons why I am so passionate about TRE®, and how you may come to understand the why behind the all of my services. TRE® experiences and results – both mine and others – are a big part of the integration process and why I choose to teach TRE® and offer whole of life guidance sessions:

The spine supports the entire structure of the human body, both in the physical world and the communication world. Our central nervous system runs through the spinal cord and there are a number of energy points aligned with specific vertebrae, which react to negative influences in our life and may bring about illness or malfunction in the spine or other areas within the body.

The state of our spine also reflects the state of our relationship with the world. As we involve ourself in negative situations, these energy node points respond to this, and begin to impact on the physical body as discomfort or pain. Prolonged exposure to negative energy means more damage and possible impairment.

TRE® brings about the rebalancing of the nervous system, and fascia, as well as the emotional and mental state of being. Some even argue that spiritually healing occurs and so a higher vibration can be accomplished from unlocking, releasing, and redirecting the neurological messages from negativity, trauma (injury and surgical procedures – physical) and emotional release from the body’s intelligence for letting go of what does not serve the individual.

Fascia represents a persons connection with their mind, body, and spirit – or, everything that is. When your fascia is blocked, scarred, adhered, too loose or too tight, your connection to your universal life is out of balance and blocked. Movement – emotional or physical – can be limited or completely lacking. In response to your thoughts, fears and physical traumas, instead of supporting you, your fascia becomes a restriction.

I believe that there is an ideal version of each one of us that exists as a reality for us to choose. Once you do TRE® – even if just once – you are forever changed. You have successfully taught the body to know how to heal itself, and that memory will always be accessible. The difference in practicing TRE® once vs. committing to a routine practice – especially if done with intention – is about releasing all the traumas that have been placed upon us across all of our lifetimes, in all dimensions and across all timelines – on an ongoing basis. Because every day is a new experience, with a new set of experiences to process, and overcome.

I offer private sessions, as well as group classes -at multiple locations. If you are ready to experience Whole of Life change – schedule with me now at https://LKCEPC.10to8.com




Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

May – Group Classes:

  • at Nourishing Journey Thursdays May 2nd, and May 30th at 10 am
  • at Truth Mind Body – A Wellness Center Sunday May 5th at 1 pm




I am exploring the possibilities for the best day and time to provide classes:

  • I invite you to click here to tell me what day and time you are able to attend classes at Nourishing Journey.
  • I invite you to click here to tell me what day and time you are able to attend classes at Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center.

Podcast interview

In this interview with Jennifer Crisp, RN, founder of  A Bridge To Wholeness,  I talk to her about the many benefits to releasing tension and stress.




Listen to the podcast here

For more information about my group classes and locations – go to my events and announcements page. 

For more information about A Bridge to Wholeness, click here