Intuition Discovery

I was barely awake. The morning was just creeping up on me and I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I heard my dog barking. From his barking I could tell he was trying to get my attention, he wanted me to know something important. I sensed something was wrong and that he was in trouble. 

I called my mom in Maryland, my dog lives with my parent there. I’m in Utah. I said my pleasantries and inquired about a few random and unimportant things, then I asked her nonchalantly, “How’s Fudge? Is he doing okay today?” “He got in trouble this morning, he’s punished.” She went on to tell me how earlier he chewed up a toy and there was white fuzzy stuffing everywhere. My father isn’t in the best mood today, so he punished Fudge and took away his toys. This is his idea of urgency? I thought to myself. 

This isn’t the first time Fudge reached out to me when he felt stressed. He often barks at me when he wants me or needs my attention. I hear his barking in the space just outside my ears, but not in the room. This is how my clairaudience is for me. No one else but me hears it. It’s also telepathy between me and my dog – it’s how we communicate despite the thousands of miles between us. 

Do you experience something similar? Do you see or hear things that no one else can? Do you know things that you don’t know how you know? Or maybe you receive information in a different way. 

It’s not scary, it’s your intuition.

I have been accessing and using my intuition for many years, and helping others learn about theirs. I’ve been teaching Intuition Development classes. Now, I’ve joined forces with a dear friend of mine who helps people similarly, and we decided to teach an extended class. Together we bring different teachings and experiences on intuition; and I must say we round each other out beautifully. 

For four Sundays in April Milagros Ruiz Bello and I will be teaching Intuition Discovery. Each class is approximately three hours long, we cover a lot of material. Everyone is welcome, it doesn’t matter what you believe your skill level is. You can be only curious, or looking for practice. Whether you’re looking for learning, developing, or strengthening; or if you’re simply looking to expand upon your natural abilities, or just want to explore the possibilities. This class is not exclusive for individuals looking to work in the healing arts, it’s for everyone. We invite you to come and explore for personal reasons, and have fun while learning. The need for advanced training and certifications aren’t necessary or required. Come, have fun, and enjoy getting to know this side of you. Discovering your intuition and remembering who you are is a transformational experience. The potential is limitless.

For more information, and to register, click here.

Lisa Karasek is a Conscious Development Practitioner and Intuition Educator, who is able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.

An expert energy healer, psychic surgeon, and channeler, Lisa is devoted to bringing you the ultimate experience that will catapult you into the here and now with fresh perspective and energy. 

A Five time number one best selling Amazon Author.

Introducing Saturday Morning Mudra Practice

Saturdays at 9am MTN

20 minutes of powerful energy shift

Live on facebook

Weekly Energy Resets with Sacred Energy Amplified and Lisa Karasek, Mind Body Spirit Guidance

Lisa’s natural abilities as a multi-dimensional healer, along with Holistic Metamorphosis™️ (an angelic energy healing modality that creates deep transformation throughout all levels of being), support and assist your transformation process through Mind Body Spirit Guidance. 

Pam’s unique intuitive and empathic gifts as a healing facilitator allow her to be a vessel and channel for subtle energies to promote healing through your Sacred Mind-Body-Spirit journey. She brings together traditional and alternative modalities with spiritual wisdom in a holistic approach to show you how to activate your body’s intelligence and become your own healing advocate.

Your Hosts for the Weekly Energy Resets:

Lisa Karasek, Conscious Development Practitioner and Intuition Educator 

Pam McDonel, Gifted Intuitive Energy Healing Artist & FYV Healer

  • Join us on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm PST / 5:30 MTN / 6:30 CST / 7:30 pm EST for weekly energy resets
  • 15-20 minutes per week is all you need to clean, clear, and fill your energy field
  • Receive healing and experience a variety of tools that will get you through the week to provide an extra boost
  • Become your own catalyst of transformation and embark on the most extraordinary healing journey of your life

Register to attend these free events here

The reality of stepping into new dynamics of Love and Happiness

Have you ever heard about a couple that married after only knowing each other a week or two? What’s your opinion on arranged marriages? I always thought they were crazy. How could someone know that fast? What’s the divorce rate on those demographics?

I didn’t feel free – that’s why I thought those relationship types were bonkers. I wasn’t in control, and in my own ways about my life I was figuring out how to be. I’ve lived a lot of situations and circumstances where that particular battle was tested over and over again. I remember my one consistent thought for myself was the longing to know what free felt like. Free to BE Me.

Some of you know my story of abuse and having a stalker. The phrase “I was hunted in the streets” was the one I used the most when telling my story, and I wrote that phrase in my chapter in the book Find Your Voice Save Your Life. Being hunted certainly doesn’t provide all the warm and fuzzies of mental freedom, and the emotional anguish with what you live in certainly doesn’t feel all that amazing either. No wonder I had opinions and judgements around relationships. Notice I’m saying had.

I knew if I were to find a partner I would need to be able to trust him. He wouldn’t be the type to want to try to take me away from who I am, or seperate me from my people. And he would need to be able to support me no matter what. I absolutely did not think finding that person was possible. I had such a low expectation of men that I resolved to be alone for the rest of my life. And I had such a lowered sense of self worth that I had decided that free was something I could possibly never know. I dropped all expectations for happiness from men, and dissolved all of my dreams for finding one.

After feeling more stable in my decision, and making true effort of committed joy for my life because I respect myself and love myself unconditionally, not only did I find my worth, I met my man. Through Divine channels that really don’t make any logical sense at all except to those who understand the ways of the universe and what the true meaning Trust holds – Ken and I somehow found each other.

After knowing each other roughly two weeks we lept into a journey that both took us across the country, and into each others arms forever. We traveled the initial physical distance in a small hybrid car, with just a few bags of clothes and toiletries – compacted in every sense of the word. We learned about each other in the most outstanding way!

When we left we had every intention of returning home to the east coast, but we came into Utah and we felt ready to stay still for a bit; falling in love on so many levels and in so many ways. We secured an apartment and started moving in our new direction. There was a lot of work to jump into immediately – finding work, building a new for us home, buying some basics, having things shipped from home. Again, we learned a lot about each other in a very short period of time. We each learned a lot about our true needs and wants on a whole new level. We did a great job.

As these hustles and bustles settled down some and we were gaining traction in our new realities and dynamics we both started to notice things – about each other, and our ways, and I guess you can say things stirred up. We started fighting. Some really heavy and complex shit came up. For both of us our emotions were in overload, and we began questioning what to do. It was only a few months of living together.

Ken and I have consciously committed to each other, and we will get through. We both want a partner who raises us up, who can be available and provide the support needed to grow and develop. And we already know that when we’re good, we’re good. We’ve got this. So why the fights?

Individually we reached out for help, allowing us to speak for ourselves and receive what we needed from our peers and mentors. We also enlisted the help of professionals who provided energy healing and counseling. We both had a lot of emotionally charged energies that were stored in us and needed to be released. We both had emotional and relationship cords that were ready to be cleared. Upgrades to our mindsets needed to occur, so the garbage had to be taken out. Some of the things we learned is that both of us had environments and relationship teachers growing up that haven’t served us. Our role models didn’t have their own freedoms in a sense, and were deeply wounded emotionally. They modeled to us what toxicity looks and feels like. Now, with Ken and I each facing our dream relationship, we had to learn what energies belonged to us, and which didn’t. We began a new quest, or process, really. This new practice will bring about the awareness we need in real time to guide us to our true goals, and not have us guessing if we’re going to get what we want or not. We want to ensure neither of us will feel rejected or need to get defensive.

What we’re doing is deciphering which of the energies are adopted and/or limiting beliefs that we have to process out. Then we only have to support and nurture the energies that are our true desires. We are consciously and positively questioning who’s mirroring who, and what, to answer the why. And we’re just getting started!

For both Ken and I our self love and respect, and our love for each other remains a priority. Our fights were both of us saying no to what we didn’t want. And that meant fighting each other on some pretty hefty beliefs and energies. We’re creating new dynamics and a process that’s just for us. We’re actually creating our deepest desires together, for each other, and in a way thats growing each of us in the most special way. We are paving our path for true happiness, with Love.

Lisa Karasek is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Practitioner able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.

Miracles happen in perspective shift – part 2

Sure, I’ve had boyfriends, lovers, long and short relationships. I learned and practiced what I wanted and didn’t with every one of them. Like looking for my ideal parents, I had to reach inside of me and create what I wanted.

Some believe we choose to incarnate when and where we do for purpose. We choose the people who will be in our lives before we’re even born because we have to create an experience to learn from. There are lessons and there are contracts. The lessons and contracts are set about to bring on the experiences and outcomes we desire, or need to fulfill.

I know my parents are who I chose because I needed them to help me go through everything I went through. They were a safe place to feel what I needed to, and provided the stability I needed while I went through it. And they helped me create the outcome of positive relationship and dynamic that I wanted. My soul was ready to release anger in order be a higher vibrational being, and step into the higher master that I really am. My parents were critical in that growth.

I’ve lived so many lives as a slave, as the abused and broken down. I was ready for more. I said NO to victimhood, and I said YES to a life of worth and deserving. I wasn’t able to meet Ken until I was ready to let go of victimhood. If I had met Ken still in that mindset we wouldn’t be the power couple that we are. I would have continued in patterns of self sabotage and misalignment. I had to learn my worth and feel good about myself before I could meet Ken. I had to be able to take care of myself before meeting Ken, or I would have fallen back into a pattern of being controlled, and not in control. I had to learn to love myself, want badly enough for myself before I was able to receive. Accepting myself, and being in trust, opened me up to allowing Ken into my life. To actualize the life of ease and flow I am ready for.

Ken had his fair share of experiences and had to say NO too. Like me, he was ready for the next big thing. Ken and I don’t have a perfect relationship, but we both know what we want and don’t. We each recognize where the misalignments are, and we both respect ourselves to the degree for which we need in order to say NO, and let go. We’re both strong enough to say YES to ourselves so that we can say yes to US. We’re walking on this journey together, supporting each other, helping each other grow. We have a partnership that we’re committed to.

We’ve each taken our personal healing journeys as far we could, and we were each ready to go deeper. We’re both ready to step fully into our power, and we each have the tools and resources the other needs – together we complete a range. With the commitment to growth and partnership we each posses, we pull those tools and resources, and together we’re creating something bigger than ourselves.

Lisa Karasek is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Practitioner able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.