Intuition Discovery

I was barely awake. The morning was just creeping up on me and I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I heard my dog barking. From his barking I could tell he was trying to get my attention, he wanted me to know something important. I sensed something was wrong and that he was in trouble. 

I called my mom in Maryland, my dog lives with my parent there. I’m in Utah. I said my pleasantries and inquired about a few random and unimportant things, then I asked her nonchalantly, “How’s Fudge? Is he doing okay today?” “He got in trouble this morning, he’s punished.” She went on to tell me how earlier he chewed up a toy and there was white fuzzy stuffing everywhere. My father isn’t in the best mood today, so he punished Fudge and took away his toys. This is his idea of urgency? I thought to myself. 

This isn’t the first time Fudge reached out to me when he felt stressed. He often barks at me when he wants me or needs my attention. I hear his barking in the space just outside my ears, but not in the room. This is how my clairaudience is for me. No one else but me hears it. It’s also telepathy between me and my dog – it’s how we communicate despite the thousands of miles between us. 

Do you experience something similar? Do you see or hear things that no one else can? Do you know things that you don’t know how you know? Or maybe you receive information in a different way. 

It’s not scary, it’s your intuition.

I have been accessing and using my intuition for many years, and helping others learn about theirs. I’ve been teaching Intuition Development classes. Now, I’ve joined forces with a dear friend of mine who helps people similarly, and we decided to teach an extended class. Together we bring different teachings and experiences on intuition; and I must say we round each other out beautifully. 

For four Sundays in April Milagros Ruiz Bello and I will be teaching Intuition Discovery. Each class is approximately three hours long, we cover a lot of material. Everyone is welcome, it doesn’t matter what you believe your skill level is. You can be only curious, or looking for practice. Whether you’re looking for learning, developing, or strengthening; or if you’re simply looking to expand upon your natural abilities, or just want to explore the possibilities. This class is not exclusive for individuals looking to work in the healing arts, it’s for everyone. We invite you to come and explore for personal reasons, and have fun while learning. The need for advanced training and certifications aren’t necessary or required. Come, have fun, and enjoy getting to know this side of you. Discovering your intuition and remembering who you are is a transformational experience. The potential is limitless.

For more information, and to register, click here.

Lisa Karasek is a Conscious Development Practitioner and Intuition Educator, who is able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.

An expert energy healer, psychic surgeon, and channeler, Lisa is devoted to bringing you the ultimate experience that will catapult you into the here and now with fresh perspective and energy. 

A Five time number one best selling Amazon Author.

Ascension Chronicles, with Jennifer Palmer

The energy healing modality I am certified in and work with when in client sessions is Holistic Metamorphosis™️.

Holistic Metamorphosis™️ creates deep transformation throughout all levels of being to speed up and assist in our ascension process.

In this interview with my mentor and dear friend, Jennifer Palmer, I tell about my personal experiences both as a Holistic Metamorphosis™️ client and practitioner.

“Lisa Karasek lost everything when someone close to her took her identity and her business right out from under her. She experienced shock, pain and betrayal that most cannot fathom. She lost everything and it forced her to move back in with her parents, with a lot more dysfunction to be unearthed.

In the process of working through the trauma and dysfunction, Lisa found her true self… her real identity. She became even more aligned with why she is here at this time and in this experience.”

Watch the interview here: Ascension Chronicles

Lisa Karasek is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Practitioner able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.


$27 for full, unlimited access.

Hear 10 experts talk about creating space for inner healing.

The summit begins Wednesday May 24th at 12am EST, and runs through Sunday May 28th at Midnight EST.

Find Your Voice Save Your Life – an online summit on Wednesday May 24th

I was personally targeted, attacked and victimized, and wound up homeless and emotionally wrecked. All that I believed life was about was devastated, crushed.
I began writing. Then I began writing to heal. Then I began writing to help others heal.
And that led me to Find Your Voice Save Your Life. I agreed to writing a chapter that was to be a specific amount of words to fit on a specific amount of pages.
In the first few days I wrote out so much that I needed to just get out of my system. I wound up having to edit out 65 pages once I converted my handwriting to text for the chapter.
Now I’m invited to participate in the Find Your Voice, Save Your Life Summit, and I’m so honored to be a presenter.

The Find Your Voice Save Your Life Summit is an all-day online event on Wednesday May 24th with access through Sunday May 28th. Ten healers have come together to answer the question “How do you make space for your own inner healing?”
We each give expert insight and a practical tool to help you in your own healing practice.

My presentation topic is “Prioritizing the Practicing of Self Awareness”. It’s about what you do with all the tools used for healing, and how you make it your own.

Tickets for access to the full summit are only $27., and they go on sale Wednesday May 17th.
Meanwhile please visit the summit page where you can see all the author presenters and registration information:

I hope you join us!


The Find Your voice Summit is coming!


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If you get it, you get it.

There’s so much to it.

And sometimes it’s a good idea to return to the basics.

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