The Find Your voice Summit is coming!


It’s what we do.

If you get it, you get it.

There’s so much to it.

And sometimes it’s a good idea to return to the basics.

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LiKe Energy Healing

Divinely connected, Lisa and Ken powerfully activate healing to bring about transformation.

Divine Healing with Lisa Karasek and Ken Shepardson

New Energy Healing Services with Ken Shepardson 

As a medium, Ken channels messages and uses a variety of ancient techniques for energy healing. He has a strong connection with Angels and the Arcturians, and utilizes their methods.

Schedule this service at

Your Relationships and Self Dynamics – What is being mirrored back to you? and Why?

January’s installation for Experience Tuesdays 2021

Every once in a while you meet someone, and you feel something special. Because they remind you of yourself – where you were once, and it helps you realize that you have in fact grown. You realize you have advice for this person, and you want to take them under your wing. You feel a strong connection, and your compassion is showing you where you can serve.

At times we connect with others because we’re in a similar situation, and you feel you could support each other through the process. And sometimes you’re drawn to someone because you feel a connection that you can’t explain. You notice you always feel better when you’re around them and talking to them. Chances are they’re on the other end of my first example – and they are placing you under their wing.

What is it exactly that’s happening? You are being shown your multi-dimensional, multi-faceted self. Their age, gender, social status, career, intelligence, or any other physical trait doesn’t need to apply. It’s the spiritual connection, your personal experience, that’s presenting itself. It’s good to observe where you’re at in all 3 of these scenarios. There comes a point when you might even notice you have each of these mirrors aimed at you.

(image credit Yeshi Kangrang / Unsplash)

Let’s take the classic parent / child example. At some point, we all realize that the child becomes the parent – to the parent, and the parent becomes the learner or the one in need. I read a long time ago about parents to want their children to have more than what they had. These types of parents are great providers.

There are parents who don’t yet have their shit together, and struggle to provide for and allow for better opportunities for their children. These children become self taught and go on to achieving more, or they stay on par with their parents and fail to break the cycle. Usually if there are siblings, they’re opposite (or differnt enough) of each other in terms of values and truths that the difference is palpable, and there’s conversation around it.

I see what I want, and what I’m capable of giving to my dogs. Because family life is different than my social and professional relationships. With my dogs I probably go overboard on what I provide, that’s because I always felt I didn’t have value in my family, I was the lowest ranked. I both felt it and it was shown to me via gesture and language by my family. When it comes to pets, my family can be a little slow to give the attention and nurturing they need and I can feel it. Instead my family overfeeds them with their idea of love in the form of food and treats, rewarding them with their own misplaced priorities.

There are mentors, coaches, and accountabilty partners that we find for ourselves. These are more intentionally matched and prove to meet our needs when we identify the direction we know we want to be headed. We are guided because they are able to succesfully reflect to us what we are asking for; and what it will take to get us there.

It’s fairly common to acknowledge that romantic relationships by far mirror to us who we want to be. There are roles, labels, and responsibilties that come with the investment. And as the dynamic plays out, the mirrors and facets become highlighted. Most of our growth comes from what intimacy and expectation reveals. Sometimes with our partners our beliefs (real or adopted) about who we think we’re supposed to be rule the relationship; and not always necessarily who we want or need to be, but who we have become, or need to become to be that person. We may even lose ourselves in the misalignment.

Social friendships can also be considered intimate – we tend to explore our desires and certain parts of ourselves through exploration, questioning, and ranking (comparison) with people we trust. We allow our vulnerability to surface because we’re searching for an outlet for support from an unbiased position.

Professional relationships can be tricky. There are many ways professional relationships teach us things. There’s a hierarchy and a sort of disconnect at play. And it’s up to us to determine if we need it to align with our wants, needs, and the hierarchies; or we can decide to table it until the next day or the next encounter. When it comes to professional relationships we have the choice to invest in observation and support, or not.

All of our relationships show us our courage and strength up close. Where do you speak up?, and where do you listen? Where do you put your effort and attention? Why?

This month I’m asking you to go a little deeper, and start figuring out “What’s being mirrored to me?” Healing around it happens when you address it. Otherwise, you’re just gonna keep on going at the pace and space you are, running the risk of not meeting your authentic self, or knowing true happiness.

As a high schooler I was told one of the best ways to learn something I was struggling with was to try to teach it to someone else. You have to be able to connect with the information. And it helps when that information hits home on a personal level. You’ll find that you come up with unique examples and stories to get the other person to get it. One of the biggest eye-openers for me when certifying to be a coach was the advice to write about every session I have with a client – to recall and reference what the session entailed, what the client accomplished or didn’t, to remark on shifts and progress, if anything was assigned to do before our next session, and any other observations and recommendations. The added advice was to then honestly write about what the client and the session taught me. What did I learn?, and/or what do I need to learn? in order to be able to continue to be the right professional and support person this client needs. To know when it’s time to make a referal.

As I started this practice I quickly learned that I was still very much a student. And It is this advice that I apply to myself, in all of lifes opportunities and teaching moments, with al lof my relationships. Especially my self relationship.

I hope you find this months videos and conversations helpful. Please join my Mind Body Spirit class on January 12th – which will bring this to you with a new perspective and reason to keep exploring and expanding. Then, I wrap up the month with a group healing, that will provide what you need for your growth. For more information, tune in, and ask. I am here for you.

Lisa Karasek is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Practitioner, and 3 time author. Lisa is able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship. To learn more about Experience Tuesdays 2021, find it on Lisa’s social channels.

Call me weird, but this is when I get really excited

There is just so much in my head 

I mean always. 

I have way more creative sparks and wants than I could ever keep up with – you should see my To-Do List, it’s fucking ridiculous! 

Partial amounts of what I want reaches you. And to boot – call me ethereal. I fall into the stereotype of being flighty, flaky, not organized, not – whatever you want to call it. I will admit it – I do come across that way. But it’s really not my truth.

The real story is I’m too intelligent, too organized, too caring, too thoughtful, too jazzed, and too damn busy. 
It’s not that I’m incapable of accomplishing anything I start, shit, I hardly get to start enough of what I want to. 

The LISTS!! OMG the lists I have! 
Ideas. Ideas. Ideas!
… and then more ideas! 

Energy. Time. Capability. Budget. Collaboration. Ability. 

I need to sleep too.

I use a scheduling application for my email because Im one of those people who schedule when I want emails to be sent:
1) to stay on top of things I write them while I’m inspired and it’s fresh, and schedule them to send later, when they’re supposed go & 2) because often I’m replying to emails at an ungodly hour and I don’t want you to know it. 

But I do sleep, I promise. I just don’t sleep in a fashion to others.

Mostly I manage – I jump. From list to idea to priority to what I want personally, and I circle back, start again.  
I try. I do my best, and some days I get more done than other days. And you know what – that’s ok. Because there’s always tomorrow. 

The good news is that with all these ideas, and thank god I keep the lists – every once in a while I reorganize and restructure them – and turn them into something else, and then that becomes ready. 

Then they are the magic that reaches you. 
They are exactly what needs to be heard -now.

I love how this works. 

I’ve been this way all my life. It used to frustrate me, thinking I was deficient. But now I embrace my process, and I see the beauty of the creation that it is. 
Things need to churn in my world. 

It’s when things (ideas, moments, desires) don’t become fruitful that I address them. I ask – what’s really going on here? What is the hangup, really?

Some times I realize that it wasn’t a good idea, or, and I can let it go. 

Most of the time it turns out to be something that I had an energetic block for. 
Yes – when I say Energetic – I mean ENERGETIC – Spiritual – it involves my soul, who I really am, and what my soul really is all about. I have something to uncover at this point. 

Call me weird, but This is when I really get excited.
I Love doing the work on myself. I love knowing that I am working towards being authentically me. 
AND Because who I am is someone who loves to help you. And the more I learn, the more steps I take, the more I understand – the better I can help you in discovering what’s truly yours. 

If there’s something that you want to accomplish, and are having trouble achieving it – take a moment and remind yourself that you are worth the investment. 

To schedule a guidance session go to:

Lisa Karasek is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Practitioner able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a helathier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.

I’ve become an observer to my own self

So I took this course where every day you clear something. Because I was feeling a bit stuck, and unmotivated.

We cycle, right. I mean we all do – our emotions. We have good days and bad, strong, and vulnerable, motivated types, and days where we just want to be blah.

Well I had too many blah days adding up, and I knew I had to find something, bring in a fresh set of eyes to help me figure out why I was feeling so blah. Life was mundane, and I wanted more.

I was planning on journaling through it anyway – and I am so glad that I did. It’s so much more than about clearing “stuff”. It really brought me in touch with reasons for why I do certain things. And you know me – I’m all about processing.

And processing – WOW! Why am I like this?

As a result I’ve become an observer to my own self – my habits and patterns in a way that I hadn’t before. I learned something I didn’t want to come to terms with, even though I had the hunch that I might have been doing it. I thought I was special, and not like everyone else. But I am just like everyone else – and I am living under the adoption of someone else’s fears.

I was walking my dog this morning – this is when things become most clear for me – fresh air, trees, a relaxing stroll – at other times the intended walk for fitness, and the compassion for this creature that I care for. My focus on the compassion towards my dog doesn’t feel like it fits in there, does it? But it does! Because I have to exhibit patience, restraint, leadership, and caution for him – I’m on a different level of doing than I do for myself. These little mundane tasks bring me back into perspective to why I do what I do for you.

At about 265 days in, and I began to ask the bigger questions, and they were highly personal. I mean that was my goal for taking the course, but I took note that I was in fact doing that. I began challenging myself.

Something that is in my father that I don’t agree with, is inside of me.

All the experts say that people are in your life to teach you, and to recognize that when you don’t like something about someone, that it’s actually something that you don’t like about yourself. It’s a mirror behavior.

I don’t feel like my father and I have much in common – we have different religious and political agendas, we have totally different ways of operating tasks. But we do have a similar sense of independence. And we (have) similar attitudes when it comes to why to get something done. And that last one – the attitude – I always used to think I liked that, that it bonded us. But this attitude as much as I enjoy it – it just doesn’t work for me anymore. It was creating friction, and I was genuinely confused as to how to approach this.

I don’t remember it being a source of friction before, why did it change? Because I changed. I grew. I developed. I shifted. My approach to life is from a new perspective. My stance and reason hold new positions. My father and I have different life experiences after all.

One would think that a new way for doing life, for improving life, and recognizing where it comes from should be easy to do – but I found it to be a bit hard. Yes, I struggled with it. Because in order to do so, I had to let my father inside me go, and I had to meet my self. I got to create who I really want to be. …This is not the same as figuring out what you want to be when you grow up.

Creating who you are to become is to be done gently, mindfully, strategically – because you’re wise now. You now understand what consequences means. You’ve felt failure, fear, and you built a wall around your heart for protection. Creating who you are to become means you become vulnerable – to the nth degree. It means you have to be creative, willing, and ready. You know you have to tear down those walls, only to build new ones. You teeter on creativity because you think you need a template. You learned those lessons – now you have to go through them again, but expect different outcomes. Because you can’t undo.

Back to processing – It was enough motivation for me to realize that my attitude wasn’t mine – for me to want to change it. I like to be responsible. I like to say I’m authentic. I want to speak from my heart – not anyone else’s. And that means this part of me was calling to be healed, and I opened myself up to my purpose.

Purpose! That’s another one. Purpose isn’t about a career change, or job, or title – it’s about why we’re here. It’s about teaching the unconditional language of LOVE. It’s about unity, and harmony.

And to love others, you must first love yourself. And this is a process.

So me honoring my true self, discovering, creating who I really am and who I want to be in life, so that I can do in life. And you can too.

Just do it. Nope. It doesn’t work that way. There are layers to sift through. Tools are needed to cut through the stains (wounds). Relationships change as you shift, and others don’t make the cut. There’s constant adjustment happening. You’re always learning. You’re always adapting. The key is to keep strategizing.

How exciting is that?! To allow the innocence to lead you. That’s the part I’m excited about – the changing. I’m stepping into my innocence. Because at too young an age I was told to instead step forth with fear. And I have been imprisoned ever since. My attitude was to go in strong, and demand my presence. To be a force. To make sure everyone knew what I needed.

So many people take me for being a strong woman. And really, I do still agree – I am strong, because I did overcome – a lot. But I want more peace in my life now. I no longer want to always have to be up against the resistance. My energy has always flowed out, and I’m growing tired. Like everyone I have a self-care practice, but it’s more than that. My true self is a peaceful woman. She’s ready to face whatever, because of her wisdom. She can do so with grace because she’s had lessons. People emulate her because she has the where-with-all. It isn’t really strong when it comes from fear. Now, I feel, it is stronger to approach from Love. And that’s almost uncommon. It’s not what we see on TV. It’s not in the streets. Fear creates drive. But Love is a driver. Love is a force much easier to receive with, once you learn how easy it feels. It’s easier to give with Love, if only you’re brave enough to really try it, step into it.

  • Lisa Karasek is an expert Quantum Healer. Using ancient, multi-dimensional healing and angelic energies, Christ-Consciousness-based practices, and TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises) to guide individuals through their alleviation of struggle. Lisa is able to update her client’s states of being and assist in their healing, powerfully guiding them to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life. Lisa is dedicated and passionate about helping you work with the dynamics of your self-relationship and believes this is the key to most Mind Body Spirit disease and illness. Lisa Karasek is Certified as an Eating Psychology Coach, TRE® Facilitator, Energy Healer, and is an Intuitive. Find more information about her and her programs at