Introducing Saturday Morning Mudra Practice

Saturdays at 9am MTN

20 minutes of powerful energy shift

Live on facebook

Weekly Energy Resets with Sacred Energy Amplified and Lisa Karasek, Mind Body Spirit Guidance

Lisa’s natural abilities as a multi-dimensional healer, along with Holistic Metamorphosis™️ (an angelic energy healing modality that creates deep transformation throughout all levels of being), support and assist your transformation process through Mind Body Spirit Guidance. 

Pam’s unique intuitive and empathic gifts as a healing facilitator allow her to be a vessel and channel for subtle energies to promote healing through your Sacred Mind-Body-Spirit journey. She brings together traditional and alternative modalities with spiritual wisdom in a holistic approach to show you how to activate your body’s intelligence and become your own healing advocate.

Your Hosts for the Weekly Energy Resets:

Lisa Karasek, Conscious Development Practitioner and Intuition Educator 

Pam McDonel, Gifted Intuitive Energy Healing Artist & FYV Healer

  • Join us on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm PST / 5:30 MTN / 6:30 CST / 7:30 pm EST for weekly energy resets
  • 15-20 minutes per week is all you need to clean, clear, and fill your energy field
  • Receive healing and experience a variety of tools that will get you through the week to provide an extra boost
  • Become your own catalyst of transformation and embark on the most extraordinary healing journey of your life

Register to attend these free events here

Find Your Voice Save Your Life – an online summit on Wednesday May 24th

I was personally targeted, attacked and victimized, and wound up homeless and emotionally wrecked. All that I believed life was about was devastated, crushed.
I began writing. Then I began writing to heal. Then I began writing to help others heal.
And that led me to Find Your Voice Save Your Life. I agreed to writing a chapter that was to be a specific amount of words to fit on a specific amount of pages.
In the first few days I wrote out so much that I needed to just get out of my system. I wound up having to edit out 65 pages once I converted my handwriting to text for the chapter.
Now I’m invited to participate in the Find Your Voice, Save Your Life Summit, and I’m so honored to be a presenter.

The Find Your Voice Save Your Life Summit is an all-day online event on Wednesday May 24th with access through Sunday May 28th. Ten healers have come together to answer the question “How do you make space for your own inner healing?”
We each give expert insight and a practical tool to help you in your own healing practice.

My presentation topic is “Prioritizing the Practicing of Self Awareness”. It’s about what you do with all the tools used for healing, and how you make it your own.

Tickets for access to the full summit are only $27., and they go on sale Wednesday May 17th.
Meanwhile please visit the summit page where you can see all the author presenters and registration information:

I hope you join us!



7 Energies oracle deck

“As I grow and the land and the faeries and the elementals and animals and wayshowers around me interact and exchange energy with me my roots develop even deeper and gain wisdom.

I’ve been through many seasons, have weathered, and survived. I am a warrior, a pillar of strength and resillience.

Once again I let go of attachments and reinvent myself.”

I’ve had a rough few days. And to be honest, a rough couple of months. I have been in a personal growth cycle – well three actually. One for maturity, one for relationship, and one for healing. They overlapped and created this intense dynamic for me.

I finally cracked. Oh yea I feel good. And ready. Thank You

Do you feel like you’ve been going through something, and like something big needs to happen? Just like it has for me, it will for you too.

Lisa Karasek is an expert Quantum Healer, TRE® Certified Facilitator and Certified Eating Psychology Coach, who is able to update her client’s states of being to assist in healing. Using ancient, multi-dimensional healing and Holistic Metamorphosis® (an angelic energy healing modality), consciousness-based practices, and TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises), Lisa powerfully guides her clients to a healthier, happier, more purposeful life. Lisa is dedicated and passionate about helping you work with the dynamics of your self relationship and believes this is the key to most Mind Body Spirit disease and illness.

Learn more about her offerings, and connect with Lisa at and Mind Body Spirit Guidance. Find her events on MeetUp at Stepping into Truth.

Stepping into Truth – Find the group in Facebook, and MeetUp

Find the group on Facebook and MeetUp

Stepping Into Truth is where you will come to find, and be on purpose.

The work you do for your self brings you closer to a happier, more joy filled life. Through healing work and navigation, the dynamics of all of your relationships will create alignment, especially of your self-relationship; and are integral steps for your personal health and wellness.

Who you are now is a series of symptoms, conditions, patterns, cycles, and behaviors that have root causes in other lifetimes, timelines, and dimensions. The key to the management and prevention of illness and disease (emotional and physical) are found in soul lessons, belief systems, ancestral hand downs, past lives, trauma imprinting, and the work around triggers and hooks, to bring about new perspective and energy.

Ken and I created the group, found on Facebook and MeetUp. Our intention for the group is to be the place for genuine, safe conversations around Inuition, spirituality, healing, energy, working with your “claires”, and so on. I hope you find and join us.

Find and share the group Stepping into Truth with LiKe Energy Healing at and

*Only serious participants, please. Be sure to read the group policies regarding our no spam or promotions, and no cycling of memes. Conversations and support only. Thank You

Find classes and events Online, or in and around Salt Lake City, Utah – about Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (group sessions), Intuition Development classes, Group Healings and journeys, Channeled Messages, Intuitive readings, Eating Psychology, and more.

Intentional Voice – Find Open Mic poetry nights, and a Writing Salon that meets in-person once monthly.