Introducing new RAA Teacher, Lisa Karasek!

Does this describe you? You’re beginning to wake up to some long hidden sides of yourself that you didn’t realize affected you, or the way you do life. Now what?
You ask questions. And you scrutinize those questions with a fine-toothed comb.
As you begin to explore the depths of your soul’s desires, and maybe even your purpose for this sudden awareness, you will need to build in some structure and some organization to your process.
What I have found is most people identify with concepts, but they don’t actually attempt the work behind turning the concept into something real and tangible for themselves.
I invite you to explore your personal beliefs, and determine what consciousness work will do for you. Each of us behave from beliefs, habits, mechanisms, and patterns that we have adopted from our relationships. We also carry with us what has been handed down to us from our ancestors. There is a lot in this lifetime alone that you could explore – like issues around social stigmatizing, family dynamics, environmental and cultural influences, and more.
There are places inside all of us that stir up struggle. If you find yourself asking big questions when you’re hurting, then this is a class for you. I invite you to join me for my new class, Consciousness Mapping, where we will address your personal traumatic imprint, provide positive exercises for you to identify what it is ready to be healed, and learn how you can turn your heart’s desires into a positive healing journey.

About the class:

The process of Consciousness Mapping helps you to understand on a deep level why you make the decisions you do, uncover the roots of your “triggers,” and helps you shift to a powerful, aligned state of being.

Develop and nurture your personal experience by connecting to your authentic truth and purpose. Healing, and overcoming limiting beliefs are mindfully conscious practices that will align you positively with your soul’s deepest desires.

In this class you will:

  • Learn how life events create a map for how you act, be, and do in life
  • Identify how the unspoken dynamics of your relationships affect your ability to live authentically
  • Develop personal strategies for mindfulness and how to apply them

Mapping your conscious awareness provides focus for and more deeply tunes you in to all that is possible.

 Offered through the Academy, via Zoom:

June 14th

July 2nd

July 11th

August 6th

August 15th

What matters?

Whether you follow astrology or not. Whether you follow the news or not. Whether you believe or not. Whether you wear a mask or not. Whether you smoke or drink or not. Whether you are married or single. What matters?

Why is it important to ask?

Because you matter. Everything you say and do, how you are in life, matters.

Because you are here for a reason. Because you have been blessed with the gift of choice. And that matters.

I fear the majority of the population doesn’t quite understand the power behind this gift, and that they’re letting it slip past them unnoticed. That fear hurts me. It invokes judgment and a slew of emotions and physiologies that do not serve me, that don’t align in me.

So what I have to do is become the greatest manager. And remind myself that I do so because I am meant to live as an example to others. I am not meant to force it unto them, but that they will see it in me if they want to understand it for themselves. Then and only then will I assist.

What’s happening is I am living the human experience. I become emotional. I have good days and I have not so good days. I get bloated, and urinary incontinence. I have difficulty sleeping. I ruminate on things. I have outbursts in response to things I don’t like. I have responsibilities and chores and projects to occupy me. I have work to do.

And I seek healing.

I use healing as my compass to direct me to the next intersection on my path. I’m walking in a great big labyrinth. Without becoming detective, I walk nonetheless. And I pause at each sign. And I still myself with it. And I check in with my guides to make sure I’m still performing in the way I am intended to be.

I am not sure what I desire, that’s the puzzle. Every time I think I figure it out, more illuminates and I advance toward it. It’s exciting, and at times I am unsure. This is why I must trust. And in order to trust, I must believe. Respect needs to be an equal exchange. Communication is vital – between me and the divine. There needs to be good reception and the channel needs to be clear and open.

When I have this, what matters becomes clear. And what matters belongs only to me, and you, and each of us, individually. There are no two that are the same or shared. We each have our own.  

Are you awake to this?

Does that matter?

Lisa Karasek, author in The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Techniques; 25 Home Practices & Tools for Peak Holistic Health & Wellness. An expert Quantum Healer, TRE® Certified Facilitator and Certified Eating Psychology Coach, who is able to update her client’s states of being to assist in healing. Using ancient, multi-dimensional healing and Holistic Metamorphosis® (an angelic energy healing modality), consciousness-based practices, and TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises), Lisa powerfully guides her clients to a healthier, happier, more purposeful life. Lisa is dedicated and passionate about helping you work with the dynamics of your self relationship and believes this is the key to most Mind Body Spirit disease and illness.

A quick story about Gratitude

I began my daily practice of gratitude years ago when I went through a rough time in life and I hit my bottom. I wasn’t suicidal per se, but I was ready to accept death if it happened.

Beginning my daily practice of finding something that made me smile (which is actually very hard to do when you’re as depressed and hopeless as I was), and a gratitude list is what showed me my courage – and that led me to my strength.

What and who I was grateful for just a few years ago were very different than what I express now. Looking back I wrote things like: my dog made a funny look on her face today when she pooped in the neighbors tree box – that made me smile. … Because of those silly things, in time I started to laugh.

I do have to be an active participant in my journey. And having someone, or a group of people, helping me is even better, sometimes even a blessing. I was on my healing journey and at a point where I wanted my body to be strong again – I needed my body to feel strong again – so that emotionally I could feel strong and find courage to keep trying for what I wanted. Around this time I met a personal trainer that I could not afford, but I managed to squeek out a few sessions with him – enough to take some notes, to feel some inspiration, and I created a plan and routine for myself. This also helped me realize that I once had the ability to do this for myself, only I had forgotten.

Forgetting how to take care of yourself is very humbling. It only takes one small gesture, and then your whole world begins to change. Sometimes people see, and so they help. Others, like GB the personal trainer probably never knew what was driving me those few times we met. But I was with myself 100% of the time. I cannot even begin to sit here and write out the many ways I have grown since then. Hell, I probably don’t even know them all myself – these are the sorts of things that trickle out over time. Making the connections is the importance of the lesson, and then doing something with what you learned.

I still need to actively seek gratitude and courage. I have to remember. I still need to be conscious of when I’m not smiling. I still need to find my patterns. These things truly keep my head on straight. It’s about priority and it’s about choice. Because I want life experience. A better one. I want happiness. I want to feel joy. I don’t want to feel hurt. I don’t want to feel wounded. So I practice – daily. And now when you look at my list, you will find entries like: I am grateful for meeting RB – she is such an inspiration, and because of her I can see things in a new way, and I feel better.

Isn’t it remarkable how you find what you need when you need it, not even yet fully realizing what it will ultimately give you?! Sometimes it may take years and many cycles of something working itself out to realize what a gift it truly is. You do have to be an active participant in your journey, all the time.

Lisa Karasek is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Practitioner able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.

TRE® Experience series beginning in 2020

So many people are looking for ways to heal themselves, to overcome, and move past the things in their lives that bring them down. People are ready for change. People are ready for better. And everyone likes feeling healthy.

I invite you to think back to your first day of school, your first job interview, that big fight with a loved one, being cut off in traffic. Remember the last time you had a really big day, the kind that requires celebrating, like your wedding day.

Why? Because any event or experience (good, or not so good) that causes you to react on a psycho-emotional level has a direct and immediate affect at a neuro-physiolocal level for short or extended periods of time. Let me explain …

These intense and highly emotional events and experiences created charged energy – that is now stored in your body.

Why do we want to care about and acknowledge our charged moments?

Because the continued behavior of failing to acknowledge their effects risks creating stress related diseases, especially when suppressing the not so good ones. I tell my students all the time how simple things – even just stubbing your toe – is traumatic. But I encourage everyone to come up with their own definitions for 1)stress, 2)tension, and 3)trauma.

I am so passionate about helping people be experts for their own health and wellness plan that I created a 4 week series to deepen their healing experience. TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) is a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma (physical and emotional). Created by Dr. David Berceli TRE® safely activates your natural reflexive mechanism by way of neurophysiological rebalancing. And the most commonly reported benefits are decreased anxiety, the release of chronic tension, the discharge of emotional and physical trauma, improved sleep, mood and digestion, decreased aches and pains, improved flexibility, and the decrease in symptoms for sciatica, fibromyalgia, and other chronic conditions.


Individuals and communities around the world feel the
benefits of this modality for healing.

In this series, you will deeply explore your personal trauma time-line; determine your level of traumatic imprint; learn about the importance for properly discharging stored energy to create new emotional pathways and speeding up your recovery time; and how this modality for healing restores your Mind Body Spirit to wholeness – and more. Each class is a combination of education, self discovery, group discussion, and a group TRE® experience.

I am currently offering this course in 3 locations:

Every Saturday in January from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at Truth Mind & Body in Sparks MD

Every Sunday in January from 2 – 4 pm at Nourishing Journey in Columbia MD

Every Monday in February from 7 – 9 pm at Zoetics Wellness Center in Pikesville MD

Pre-registration is required because seats are limited. Click on the locations link above to register. For more information, or to bring this series to your community – please email me directly. Cost is $150 per person. Please bring your personal journals, mats, blankets, and wear comfortable clothing you can stretch in.

4 week immersion experience by Lisa Karasek, TRE® Certified Facilitator


Lisa Karasek is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Practitioner able to powerfully transform your state of being by guiding you to a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life using ancient, multi-dimentional healing modalities, angelic energies, and consciousness based practices. Lisa is passionate and dedicated to helping you work with the dynamics of your Authentic Self Relationship.

When you’re redirected …then what?

So apparently I’ve been redirected. Only, I’m lost.
This is not usual territory.
I don’t know how to navigate it. I don’t recognize anything. I don’t have a map. There’s no one working here, no one who can explain it to me. I am just wandering around.
I’m just trying different things.
I feel completely lost.
I mean, I’m not a stupid person.
I know how to do for myself, how to care for myself. I know how to succeed and do things in life and for myself. I mean, this is just …
I don’t see the point of it. I don’t see the end in sight. I don’t see.
I guess I have to trust.
I mean I know I chose to make this trip. But I don’t think it’s going the way I wanted it to.
What do I do?
So many emotions, so many things.
And I just, I just don’t know right now.
I have moments where I’m like, okay – I can do this. There are other people out here. They just don’t seem to be bothered by it all.
It’s perhaps entertainment for them?
I’m trying to find the entertainment in it, but I’m having a hard time.

emotionally unsettled

Every time I think I’m making good decisions for myself, I go through a period where I feel lost, unsure, uncertain. Things become upended, and my mind likes to twist it all about. I ruminate. I question too much. I have difficulty letting go.

If only I could just relax. Then I would see how, feel how …

Relaxing into it will bring me exactly what I am hoping for.

It’s the confusion, the upending, the twisting that is blocking me. I’m getting in my own way.

I have no reason to. It’s not like I developed this strategy out of a circumstance and I’ve had to abide – or else. Hence the being lost.

Do you meditate? I’ve trained myself to meditate when I’m in these periods. Meditation brings about clarity, and provides some not before realized insight that comes in pretty handy all of a sudden.

Do you know if you’re open to receiving information?

Observing the way you respond or react to things, and what people have to say (including that voice inside your own head) is one way to know. But then what?

Perhaps some energy healing and clearing to move you in the right direction. Maybe a conversation with someone to ask the harder questions than you’re willing to explore. Maybe let go of some of that tension around what’s upending you – and calm on down! Walk into a group of people who share your agenda, and try on some new ways for doing something.

What have you tried? What’s worked? What hasn’t? Why? What was going on in your world when you tried it last time?

Just becasue something didn’t work before, doesn’t mean it won’t work now. That attempt was a catalyst, and whether you realize it or not – you changed because of it. It could just be that you weren’t ready last time, and you are more likely to be ready this time. Perhaps it wasn’t the right fit for that time, but now –

Where are you on feeling lost? On a scale of 1 – 5, how does being lost make you moody and unsettled?

  1. mildly irritated
  2.  …
  3. becoming reactionary
  4.  …
  5. all consuming and ICKY!

Are you ready to try again?, to overcome feeling lost in your own skin and thoughts? Are you ready for change? Then have that conversation – with me. My mission is to help those struggling overcome that which is not necessary.  Schedule an exploration call

IMG_1692  I am an expert Quantum Healer, TRE® Certified Practitioner and Certified Eating Psychology Coach, able to update your state of being and assist you with Spiritual and Energetic Development using ancient, multi-dimensional healing and angelic energies, and Christ-consciousness-based practices. I powerfully guide you to a healthier, happier, more purposeful life. I am dedicated and passionate about helping you work with the dynamics of your self relationship and I believe this is the key to most Mind Body Spirit disease and illness.